180+ Furry Animal Trivia Questions and Answers (2023)

Want animal trivia questions and answers? Do you want to put your animal knowledge to the test? Or maybe you're looking for fun animal trivia questions to share with your friends and family. Either way, this animal trivia quiz is right for you!

animal trivia

How to Play

Here's how you play. First, gather all the animal enthusiasts in your life for a fun animal trivia night. Then. ensure everybody has a pencil/pen and a piece of paper to write down their answers.

After that, choose one player to be the "game head." The game head is in charge of asking the questions and providing the group with the answers. That said, the game head can ask as many questions per round as they wish, usually between ten and 25.

Also, your group can play over text messages if you're unable to get together. To do so, simply create a group message with all parties involved and ask the questions via text!

This trivia quiz contains a wide range of animal knowledge, from animal-specific questions to easier ones for the kids. Everybody will have fun, and hopefully, you find this article helpful to learn more about all kinds of animals!

animal trivia

General Animal Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: How many classes of animals exist in the animal kingdom?

Answer: 107 classes.

Trivia Question: What are the six main taxonomic classes of animals?

Answer: Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, and fish.

Trivia Question: What animal class is the most popular in the world?

Answer: Insects and arachnids.

Trivia Question: What is a female deer called?

Answer: A doe.

animal trivia

Aquatic Animal Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: How many species of fish are there?

Answer: About 20,000 have been discovered.

Trivia Question: What is the largest sea creature?

Answer: The whale shark.

Trivia Question: What is the smallest sea creature known to man?

Answer: The tiny dwarf goby.

Trivia Question: What is the fastest sea creature?

Answer: The sailfish.

Trivia Question: What is the only natural enemy of blue whales?

Answer: Orca.

Blue Whale Trivia Question: How do marine biologists identify blue whales?

Answer: By the dorsal fin.

Blue Whale Trivia Question: How many decibels are blue whale calls?

Answer: 188 decibels.

Trivia Question: What do blue whales feed on?

Answer: Krill.

Trivia Question: What nickname does the walrus have?

Answer: Tooth Walker.

Trivia Question: What does a walrus use its tusks for?

Answer: To battle predators, fend off other walruses, and to search the bottom of the ocean for food.

Trivia Question: What is a walrus's favorite food?

Answer: Clams.

Trivia Question: What percentage of a great white shark's brain is devoted to smell?

Answer: 14%.

Trivia Question: What types of fish can survive without water?

Answer: Mangrove killfish, walking catfish, giant mudskippers.

Trivia Question: How far away can a shark smell blood?

Answer: Almost 300 feet.

animal trivia

African Animal Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: What is the largest land mammal?

Answer: The African bush elephant.

Trivia Question: What is a female elephant called?

Answer: A cow.

Trivia Question: How many teeth does a lion have?

Answer: 30 teeth.

Trivia Question: What big cat spends most of its time alone?

Answer: Leopards.

Trivia Question: What is the closet living relative to the hippo?

Answer: The whale.

Trivia Question: How wide can a hippo stretch its jaw?

Answer: 150 degrees.

Trivia Question: How heavy is an ostrich egg?

Answer: Three pounds.

Trivia Question: How many muscles are in an elephant's trunk?

Answer: 40,000 muscles divided into 150,000 parts.

Trivia Question: What bird eats the bugs off of rhinos, impalas, and buffalos?

Answer: The oxpecker.

Trivia Question: What gender of lions do most of the hunting?

Answer: Female.

Trivia Question: How heavy is a baby elephant?

Answer: Between 200 and 268 pounds.

Trivia Question: What is the largest bird on earth?

Answer: The ostrich.

Trivia Question: What is a group of meerkats called?

Answer: A mob.

Trivia Question: What is the number of bones in a giraffe's neck?

Answer: Seven.

Trivia Question: What dog breed was bred to hunt lions?

Answer: Rhodesian Ridgeback.

Trivia Question: What is the smallest species of chameleons in Africa?

Answer: Brookesia Micra.

Trivia Question: What species of hyena can "laugh"?

Answer: The spotted hyena.

Trivia Question: What is the highest flying bird in the world?

Answer: Rüppell's Vulture

Trivia Question: How long is a ring-tailed lemur's tail?

Answer: Between 25 and 28 inches.

Trivia Question: How many tongues does a lemur have?

Answer: Two.

Trivia Question: What is the fastest land animal?

Answer: Cheetah.

animal trivia

Giraffe Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: How much sleep do giraffes need?

Answer: Between 10 minutes and two hours.

Giraffe Trivia Question: How tall can a giraffe grow?

Answer: Up to 18 feet.

Trivia Question: How high can a giraffe's blood pressure reach?

Answer: 300/180 millimeters.

Trivia Question: Why is a giraffe's blood pressure so high?

Answer: Because their necks are so far away from their hearts.

animal trivia

Dog Animal Trivia Questions

Dog Trivia Question: What is the fastest breed of dog?

Answer: The Greyhound.

Dog Trivia Question: How many muscles control dogs' ears?

Answer: 18 muscles.

Domestic Cat Animal Trivia Questions

Domestic Cat Trivia Question: How fast can domestic cats run?

Answer: 30 miles per hour.

Domestic Cat Trivia Question: How many hours do domestic cats sleep?

Answer: An average of 15 hours per day.

Trivia Question: Cats called "toms" are what gender?

Answer: Male.

Trivia Question: What is a group of cats called?

Answer: A clowder.

animal trivia

Kindle Animal Trivia Questions

Kindle Trivia Question: What is a kindle?

Answer: Another name for a group of kittens.

Kindle Trivia Question: How many kittens are in a kindle?

Answer: An average of four (but this can range from one to 12).

Wombat Animal Trivia Questions

Wombat Trivia Question: What is the closest living relative to the wombat?

Answer: Koala.

Wombat Trivia Question: What is a group of wombats known as?

Answer: A wisdom of wombats.

Cheetah Trivia Questions

Cheetah Trivia Question: How fast can a cheetah run?

Answer: Up to 70 miles per hour.

Cheetah Trivia Question: What time of day do cheetahs most often hunt?

Answer: Early morning or late afternoon.

animal trivia

Hippo Trivia Questions

Hippopotamus Trivia Question: How many species of hippo are there?

Answer: Two.

Hippopotamus Trivia Question: How long can a hippo hold its breath?

Answer: An average of five minutes.

Kangaroo Trivia Questions

Kangaroo Trivia Question: How big is a baby kangaroo (a joey) at birth?

Answer: About the size of a jellybean (weighing less than two grams).

Kangaroo Trivia Question: How many species of kangaroo are there?

Answer: 60.

Trivia Question: How long does a newborn kangaroo stay with its mother?

Answer: Between eight and 11 months.

Trivia Question: How does a mother carry a newborn kangaroo?

Answer: In their pouches.

animal trivia

Tiger Trivia Questions

Tiger Trivia Question: How much can a tiger weigh?

Answer: Up to 800 pounds.

Tiger Trivia Question: How many stripes do most tigers have?

Answer: Over 100 unique stripes.

Bat Trivia Questions

Bat Trivia Question: How many species of bats are in the world?

Answer: 1,100 species.

Bat Trivia Question: How long can a bat live?

Answer: More than 30 years.

Bat Trivia Question: How many mosquitoes can a bat eat in an hour?

Answer: Up to 1,200.

Trivia Question: How fast can a bat fly?

Answer: Up to 60 miles per hour.

Trivia Question: What are baby bats called?

Answer: Pups.

Trivia Question: What species of bat has the biggest wingspan?

Answer: The flying foxes.

Trivia Question: What is the smallest species of bat?

Answer: The Kitti's hog-nosed bat.

animal trivia

Doe Trivia Questions

Doe Trivia Question: How long is a doe's period of gestation?

Answer: Between 200 and 205 days.

Doe Trivia Question: How many fawns does a doe typically give birth to?

Answer: Two.

Tongue Trivia Questions

Tongue Trivia Question: How long is a giraffe's tongue?

Answer: 21 inches long.

Tongue Trivia Question: What animal has the longest tongue in comparison to its body?

Answer: Chameleon.

Cow Trivia

Trivia Question: How many compartments are in a cow's stomach?

Answer: Four (Rumen, Reticulum, Omasum, and Abomasum).

Trivia Question: How much milk does a dairy cow make a day?

Answer: An average of seven gallons a day.

Trivia Question: How many heart chambers does a cow have?

Answer: Four chambers.

Trivia Question: What part of a cow is tallow?

Answer: Fat.

Trivia Question: How many different medicines come from cattle?

Answer: 100.

Trivia Question: What are the top two beef-producing countries?

Answer: The United States and Brazil.

Trivia Question: Which U.S. state has the most beef cows?

Answer: Texas.

Trivia Question: How long is a cow's gestation period?

Answer: 285 days.

Trivia Question: How many gallons of saliva does a cow generate every day?

Answer: 15 to 20 gallons.

Trivia Question: A 1,000-pound cow creates how many tons of manure each year?

Answer: Four.

Trivia Question: How many glasses of milk does a cow produce in its lifetime?

Answer: About 200,000 glasses.

animal trivia

Paw Trivia

Paws Trivia Question: How big are lion paws?

Answer: As big as 38 millimeters long.

Paws Trivia Question: Do cats have sweat glands in their paws?

Answer: Yes.

Hard Animal Trivia Questions and Answers

Trivia Question: What is the only big cat that cannot roar?

Answer: Cheetahs.

Trivia Question: What are the only two mammals that lay eggs?

Answer: The duck-billed platypus and the echidna.

Trivia Question: What disease can duck-billed platypus venom treat?

Answer: Diabetes.

Trivia Question What creates the venom that a duck-billed platypus uses?

Answer: The crural gland (otherwise known as a modified sweat gland).

Trivia Question: What does a duck-billed platypus use its venom for?

Answer: To compete with rivals during breeding season.

Trivia Question: What is the only animal that doesn't need sleep?

Answer: The bullfrog.

Trivia Question: How many facial expressions do horses have?

Answer: 17 discrete facial movements.

Trivia Question: What are the only two mammals that like spicy food?

Answer: Humans and tree shrews.

Trivia Question: Which mammal has the slowest animal heart rate?

Answer: Blue whale's have between four and eight beats per minute.

Trivia Question: What animal has the highest blood pressure?

Answer: The giraffe.

Trivia Question: What mammals can lay eggs?

Answer: Monotremes.

Feet Trivia Questions and Answers

Feet Trivia Question: What mammal can hear with their feet?

Answer: Elephants.

Feet Trivia Question: What is the only bird with two toes?

Answer: The ostrich.

Trivia Question: What is the only mammal family with one toe?

Answer: The equine family (horse, zebras, donkeys).

Bird Trivia Questions and Answers

Trivia Question: How many kinds of birds are there?

Answer: More than 11,000.

Trivia Question: What is a male swan called?

Answer: A Cob.

Trivia Question: How many feathers does a peacock have?

Answer: About 150 feathers.

Trivia Question: How many bones does an eagle have?

Answer: 103 bones.

Trivia Question: What are the only birds that can fly backwards?

Answer: Hummingbirds.

Farm Animal Trivia Questions and Answers

Trivia Question: What is the smartest farm animal?

Answer: The pig.

Trivia Question: How many feathers does a chicken have?

Answer: At least 10,000 feathers.

Trivia Question: How many bones does a horse have?

Answer: 205 boens.

Trivia Question: How many eggs does a chicken lay per day?

Answer: One egg.

Trivia Question: How much does a baby goat weigh?

Answer: Between five and eight pounds.

Insect Trivia

Trivia Question: How many flowers does a bee visit per day?

Answer: About 1,500 flowers a day.

Trivia Question: How many arms does a centipede have?

Answer: Between 15 and 177 pairs of legs.

Trivia Question: How much can an ant lift?

Answer: Up to 20 times their body weight.

Trivia Question: How much can a bee carry?

Answer: Between 60 and 80% of its body weight.

Mollusk Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: How many teeth does a slug have?

Answer: 3,000 teeth.

Trivia Question: What is the most common type of mollusk?

Answer: Gastropods (snails and slugs) make up 80% of the species.

Trivia Question: How many noses does a slug have?

Answer: Four noses.

Trivia Question: What is the heaviest insect in the world?

Answer: Goliath beetle.

Trivia Question: What percentage of animal life forms on Earth are insects?

Answer: 90 percent.

Trivia Question: What organ do insects not have?

Answer: Lungs.

Trivia Question: How big is the largest known ant colony?

Answer: 3,700 miles long.

Trivia Question: What percentage of humans eat insects on a regular basis?

Answer: 80 percent of the world's population.

Trivia Question: How many eyes do caterpillars have?

Answer: 12.

Trivia Question: What is the only insect found in Antarctica?

Answer: The wingless midge.

Trivia Question: How long can a termite live?

Answer: 50 years.

Trivia Question: What type of ant has the most painful sting?

Answer: The bullet ant.

Trivia Question: How many sections does an insect body have?

Answer: Three.

Trivia Question: What is the smallest known insect?

Answer: The fairyfly.

Trivia Question: How do insects communicate with one another?

Answer: Pheromones, sounds, and light.

Trivia Question: What insect is responsible for spreading yellow fever?

Answer: Mosquitoes.

Trivia Question: How tall was the biggest recorded wasp nest?

Answer: 12 feet and two inches long.

Trivia Question: What country weaponized houseflies during World War II?

Answer: Japan.

Trivia Question: How many different species of ladybugs are there?

Answer: More than 5,000.

Trivia Question: How many ants are there on earth?

Answer: Ten quadrillion.

Trivia Question: How far away can a male Promethea silkmoth smell a female?

Answer: 23 miles.

Trivia Question: What is the strongest insect relative to its size?

Answer: The horned dung beetle.

Trivia Question: What part of its body does a butterfly taste with?

Answer: Feet.

Arctic Animal Trivia

Trivia Question: What color is a polar bear's skin?

Answer: Black.

Trivia Question: A polar bear's skin helps the animal do what?

Answer: Stay warm because the black color helps absorb sunlight.

Trivia Question: How long can a grey seal live in its natural world?

Answer: Up to 35 years.

Trivia Question: A polar bear's fur is how thick?

Answer: Between one and two inches.

Trivia Question: How thick is a polar bear's skin?

Answer: About four inches.

Trivia Question: What seal species has the largest population?

Answer: The Crabeater seal.

Pink Animal Questions

Pink Trivia Question: The pink axolotl is also known as what?

Answer: The Mexican walking fish.

Pink Trivia Question: Where is the small elephant hawk moth found?

Answer: Western Asia, North Africa, and Europe.

Trivia Question: What is the name of the pink seahorse?

Answer: The Bargibant Pygmy seahorse.

Trivia Question: Where is the pink Namib sand gecko found?

Answer: Namibia and Angola.

Easy Animal Trivia Questions and Answers

Kid Trivia Question: Why is a polar bear's hair white?

Answer: So they can camouflage into their environment.

Trivia Question: What is the fastest animal in the air?

Answer: Peregrine falcon.

Trivia Question: How many toes does a camel have?

Answer: Two.

How Many Legs Trivia

Kid Trivia Question: How many legs does a spider have?

Answer: Eight.

Trivia Question: How many legs does an octopus have?

Answer: Eight.

Trivia Question: Squids have this number of legs.

Answer: Ten.

Only Mammal Trivia

Trivia Question: What mammal can't jump?

Answer: The elephant.

Trivia Question: What mammal can fly?

Answer: Bats.

Fun Animal Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: How high can a flea jump compared to its body length?

Answer: 350 times its body length.

Trivia Question: What organ is a starfish missing?

Answer: A brain.

Trivia Question: What gender of mosquitoes are the only ones to bite?

Answer: Female.

Trivia Question: How many rows of whiskers does a cat have?

Answer: Four rows.

Trivia Question: Why are cats so flexible?

Answer: Because they do not have a collarbone.

Trivia Question: How do dogs keep cool?

Answer: By panting and sweating through the foot pads.

Trivia Question: How much better is a dog's sense of smell compared to a human's?

Answer: 1,000 times greater.

Trivia Question: What breed of dog does not bark like other dogs?

Answer: The Basenji, or African wolf dog.

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author: patrick algrim
About the author

Patrick Algrim is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), NCDA Certified Career Counselor (CCC), and general career expert. Patrick has completed the NACE Coaching Certification Program (CCP). And has been published as a career expert on Forbes, Glassdoor, American Express, Reader's Digest, LiveCareer, Zety, Yahoo, Recruiter.com, SparkHire, SHRM.org, Process.st, FairyGodBoss, HRCI.org, St. Edwards University, NC State University, IBTimes.com, Thrive Global, TMCnet.com, Work It Daily, Workology, Career Guide, MyPerfectResume, College Career Life, The HR Digest, WorkWise, Career Cast, Elite Staffing, Women in HR, All About Careers, Upstart HR, The Street, Monster, The Ladders, Introvert Whisperer, and many more. Find him on LinkedIn.

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